What To Know About A Change Of Income And Your Child Support Payments

When you first went to court over child support payments, the judge likely set the payments based on your income. You were probably told that as your income changes, you would need to report that change and the child support may be adjusted as a result. If you have had changes in your income, you may be confused about when to report those changes. Here are some answers to those questions along with a few things you should know about any changes of income you may have.

Three Reasons That Establishing Paternity Of Your Child Is Important

A lot of women have no doubt as to who the biological father of their child is, but this isn't true in everyone's case. There are also women who have a child and are unsure who is the child's biological father. There are many different scenarios in which this situation may be applicable — but the constant is that you had sexual relations with more than one man around the time that your child was conceived.

The Difference Between A SODDI Defense And A TODDI Defense

Criminal defense law sometimes has a language all its own. Two terms that you might hear in any criminal courtroom include the "SODDI defense" and the closely-related "TODDI defense." If you've been charged with any kind of crime, here's more information about what these defenses entail and when they're appropriate to use. What Is a SODDI defense? "SODDI" stands for "some other dude did it." Essentially, it's the defense you can use when you have no real idea who committed the crime -- but it wasn't you.

Do You Need A Lawyer For A Dog Bite Injury?

Dog bites are often more serious than people initially believe. If you have never been bitten by a dog before, you might not realize the significance of these injuries. Many people are killed by dog attack injuries each year. If you have been bit by a dog recently, you may be considering going to court. As a result, you might think about hiring a personal injury law firm like Maruca Law to manage your case.

Making Divorce A Team Effort

The divorce of yesteryear was often a contentious battle, but you have another choice in how you part ways nowadays. Collaborative divorce takes a team approach to resolving issues, and promises a kinder, gentler divorce process. To learn more about what goes into a collaborative divorce, read on. It Takes a Team Attorneys who believe in collaborative divorce expect to use input from several experts to work out issues. Just who makes up the team depends on what issues the couples needs to resolve.